Stéphanie et David Allemand photographes'

32ème édition du Festival de l’Oiseau et de la nature

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Saturday, April 22, 2023 Sunday, April 30, 2023


This year the Festival de l’Oiseau has the pleasure of investing in a new exhibition space in the town of Le Crotoy in Baie de Somme.
Indeed, next to the Salle Toulouse Lautrec which usually hosts the exhibition of the International Photo Competition, the Galerie Saint-Michel will host our latest exhibition entitled “Nortern paths”, fruit of twenty years itineraries in the northern regions.

“From Scandinavia to the borders of the Arctic, we crossed Icelandic and Greenlandic lands, discovering at each turn a plural and contrasting boreal universe where the taiga gives way to tundra and volcanoes to ice.
The owls can be guessed behind each tree while Brown bears, wolverines, foxes and reindeer advance in the mist to the song of whooper swans…all the emblematic fauna of the great boreal forests awakens as one penetrates into this nature preserved where the biodiversity is striking.


From April 22 to 30 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (continuously on Saturday and Sunday).
Price: Adult: €3 Child (under 18 and students): Free
The entrance ticket also gives you access to the 2023 Photo Competition exhibition, the Jury of which was chaired this year by Stéphanie & David.

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